2:45 PM

Rain, rain, go away...

I just need to vent for a moment....
Damn roofers!! The roofers have been here replacing our roof, so instead of a roof we have a bunch of tarps. Not only did we get a bunch of slate dust on the stuff we were storing in the attic, but, you can imagine what happens with a bunch of wind and a complete downpour of rain. We had a tiny bit of rain in our bathroom, but apparently the neighbors downstairs had quite a bit of water in their kitchen, since the rain traveled down a vent pipe. Apparently when it started pouring, the roofers were scrambling to get everything covered up, but didn't do a very good job. Blake got a call from the landlord asking what was up with the plumbing issue. Ummm... plumbing issue? You mean the fact that there's no roof on your house and it's pouring rain outside? These "roofers" are the same "painters" that were here last summer. Yes, that was a joy. Two months of sanding, grinding and the Violent Femmes blasting their way into our apartment. Not to mention the fact that all of our windows were covered in plastic for the majority of the summer. Oh yeah, and did I mention the squirrels that were living up in the attic over the winter? The roofers/painters/squirrel evictors tried to patch the squirrel entrance, but not even a day later they were back in again. Thankfully the squirrels didn't do too much damage to the stuff we were storing up there, but there was some. When Blake told the landlord about them, he didn't believe him at first. So, Blake took pictures of the squirrels running around up there, and I think that finally convinced him. I've remained quite calm through all of this... but I had a slight meltdown today and needed to get that off my chest. I am so glad we are almost out of here!!!


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