9:08 PM

Moving Day

Well, we're closing in on moving day. This weekend we will be busy packing up boxes. Our actual move-in date is the 31st. Tomorrow we will be at the new house briefly while we wait for our appliances to be delivered, then back to packing.

I do have a small dilemma with moving out to the country. I'm not exactly sure what the fate of my blog will be, since our internet options are very limited. If we can't get high-speed (which we are not exactly sure of yet), then dial-up may be our only option for awhile. One of the companies that sets up satellite service is too overwhelmed to return phone calls right now. I don't know if you can even maintain a blog with dial-up. My posts will be few and far between if they take four days to upload! : ) So, I guess we will see what happens. Hopefully I can still blog, because I do really enjoy it. I will keep everyone posted.