9:28 PM

Break Out Your Thermals and Bun Warmers Kids...

Holy cow!! I may have complained a bit about how it was only 4 degrees here the other day. But that was nothing! Here's the latest forecast for Thursday night: "BY FRIDAY MORNING ... YOU CAN EXPECT MANY AREAS TO EXPERIENCE LOW TEMPERATURES IN THE 15 TO 25 BELOW RANGE. HOWEVER...AREAS IN THE NORTHERN ADIRONDACKS AND NORTHEAST VERMONT WILL SEE TEMPERATURES [note: "temperatures," not wind chills!] FALL AS LOW AS 25 TO 35 BELOW WITH LOCALIZED AREAS TO 40 BELOW."

Thankfully, my best friend Erika has come to my rescue. She has her own business and makes custom hats, gifts and accessories for active people. You can visit her online store at http://tribabe.com. She recently started making custom bun warmers, so I quickly put in my order for one. She just sent me an email to tell me that in addition to my new bun warmer, she sent me eight polartec fleece hats along with it. She even posted a picture of my new bun warmer at http://tribabe.blogspot.com/2007/03/survivalist.html Isn't she the sweetest?? I will be nice and warm despite this unbelievably freezing weather. Isn't it supposed to be spring or something??


sakeboho said...

ooh, i'll be ordering some bun warmers come next winter!