7:28 PM

The Long And The Short Of It

For the past several weeks, I have been considering trading in my long hair for a new and shorter version. Kind of a celebration of spring, warm weather, new beginnings... The thought is a little scary, but I wear my hair pulled up every single day, so one begins to wonder, what exactly, is the point of having the long hair? I think your hair should match your personality. But sometimes you want stylish and sometimes you want functional. So, if I could find a shorter haircut that I could style both messy and stylish (depending on my mood), I would be all set. I have had short hair once in the past, and I loved it. Until one day I went in for a trim, and I came out with a butch. This was complements of the "gabby hairdresser" who liked to talk more than she liked to cut hair. Or, maybe it was just that she couldn't talk and pay attention to what she was doing at the same time. I was a bit upset, to say the least. And, I never went back after that day. But, that was a long time ago. I have come to the conclusion that I am definitely ready to go for it... I just hope I am so enthusiastic walking out of the salon.


Laura said...

As someone who's had short hair for the better part of the past 9 years, I say go for it! I grew mine out a couple years ago, only to wear it up every *single* day...and cut it again last fall. I love it shorter. I think it's more modern and just generally looks better with my face shape and hair type. =) Good luck! I think short hair on women is really sexy! I would suggest, though, picking a style that you want, and going a bit longer than the picture, just to get used to the idea. Also, pay attention to things like your hairline vs.the picture and your hair type and how it will respond to styling.

Liisa said...

Thanks, Laura. I just love your haircut. I'm going to be a bit careful about how short I go to begin with. I agree... short hair on women is very sexy!!