10:52 AM

Sheeba's got the right idea...

Sheeba wants to be famous, so I promised her I would put her picture on my blog. This is her new fleece bed that she got for Christmas. It's a whopping 14 degrees outside, but it feels like 3 degrees with the wind chill. I'd like to be curled up in a fleece bed, too!!

For Christmas Sheeba also got some homegrown catnip - grown by Blake's boss and his wife. She goes nuts for this stuff. She knows where we keep it, so every time you open this particular cupboard, she jumps in and starts looking for it. I told Blake that when she runs out, we're going to have to contact her dealer for some more or things might start to get ugly.

The snow looks so pretty outside. I'm planning on taking some more photos this weekend, which I will post. I ran a couple of errands today, and I will say it is a bit of a challenge getting around. The snowbanks are so high that it is difficult to see around them, and they also make the streets much narrower than usual. But, everyone seems to be in good spirits, despite the recent challenges. Everyone stay warm!!!