8:48 AM

Altercation on Lyman Ave.

What a relaxing Saturday morning...NOT!! This neighbor, who lives across the street was dubbed "the psycho" shortly after we moved in. She's always outside screaming. Screaming at her husband, screaming at her kid... always screaming. This morning, as I was sitting here dreaming up a nice little story for my blog, I heard someone come inside downstairs and start pounding on the doors. At first I didn't go down, thinking something was going on with the neighbors downstairs. But, the pounding continued. So, down I went, opened the door and this woman is standing there pointing her finger at me and yelling "My car is stuck!! Is that your truck over there? You need to move it right now, I'm going to be late for work!! There's a parking ban in Burlington, I'm going to call the cops!! You need to move it right NOW!!" I calmly replied, why don't you just relax, and ask me to move my vehicle? Of course, this pissed her right off and she started yelling again. I went upstairs and got Blake and explained to him what had happened. I said, there's no point in trying to talk with this woman, she's just crazy!! I was just going to go down and move the truck, but then I started to get angry. How dare this woman come INSIDE my house and start screaming at me? Blake went outside, she immediately started screaming at him, threatening to call the cops, and stating that she was going to sue him. Blake's like "okay, whatever..." (you wierdo). Then, she starts yelling to him about the parking ban. Blake says "what about all of these other cars that are parked in the street?" She says "they're not in my way!!" Oh yeah, she also called him an atheist because of this "Alien" symbol he has on his truck. This whole time she is making a complete scene in front of the entire neighborhood in the presence of her 8 year old daughter. The cops came, of course she just claimed to be a "poor woman in distress". Blake moved his truck so a neighbor could help get her out of her driveway. The police officer explained that the parking ban is not in effect, and that it is perfectly okay for his truck to be parked there. I think she was just pissed because she was stuck in her driveway. Blake wasn't actually blocking her in any way. This whole experience has made me very grateful that we are... MOVING!! Now, back to my relaxing Saturday...


tribabe said...

Yikes. Our neighbors pose as frat boys occassionally but I don't imagine they would yell at us if they needed our car moved. I'm really glad you are moving too!

Sibley Tentor said...

I can't get over the amount of snow in that picture!! Less than a year away from VT and already I've forgotten...

Blake said...
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