8:34 AM

Pigs Really Do Fly

Ok, so Blake has had these concert tickets for "The Pink Floyd Experience" for a couple of months now. I have to admit, I wasn't really too keyed up about it. I like Pink Floyd, don't get me wrong, but I felt I was going to this concert mainly for Blake. That's just what couples do. Then, when I find a nice ballet I'd like to attend, he just can't say no. Only kidding. Anyway, last night as we were having dinner before the show I asked "So, what's the deal, this band just sings Pink Floyd songs, or what?" He informed me that this is a group of musicians who try to bring the audience the complete Pink Floyd experience: the music, the sound and the lights. This is, in fact, a very talented group of musicians. They are extremely talented with an awesome lead vocalist. And, a great light show to boot! One of my favorite parts of the show was this giant, air-filled, remote-controlled pig that they released into the audience. It just flew around above our heads for the last part of the show. To my surprise, it was a really fun evening, and we both really enjoyed the show. http://www.thepinkfloydexperience.net/


Blake said...
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Sibley Tentor said...

Wow, that sounds awesome. i wonder if they'll ever come to Montana...