5:34 AM

Current Obsession: Kniphofia

I can't resist the fiery reds, oranges, and yellows of the beautiful red-hot poker. And, I must admit that some of my fascination lies in the fact that they're just not supposed to grow here in my zone 4 garden. After seeing these beauties in The Well-Tended Perennial Garden, I decided that I must have some. Following some extensive online shopping and research, I discovered that most varieties are listed as being hardy in zones 6 through 9. Bummer!! But, I did find a few varieties that are listed as being zone 5 hardy. I decided to purchase one plant, Bee's Sunset, and watch and wait. Confession: I visit this plant almost every day, just to make sure it looks happy. I would probably sing to it, too, if only I knew what kind of music it likes. I planted it in one of the most protected areas that I could find, and I've read that it helps to tie the leaves together and mulch it with pine needles for the winter. If all goes well, I will definitely be purchasing some more. I visited the website for Seneca Hill Perennials, which is located in upstate New York. They have had great success in growing these South African plants, and I can only hope that I do, too.