11:16 AM

Sneaky little visitor...

Blake and I were having our coffee this morning, and enjoying the view of our backyard. Who needs the nature channel? We put out some bird seed and suet, then sat back to enjoy the show. This morning there were about 30 birds taking turns at the feast. We put some seed on the ground for the squirrels to enjoy, in hopes of keeping them away from the feeders. Blake was taking some pictures of all the excitement. He was saying how he wished we could see some other wildlife, when all of a sudden, this little white animal raced across the hilltop. I completely missed it. He reappeared, racing all over the backyard, until he ran out of sight. Blake decided to look out the front door to see if he was in the yard, then lo and behold...there was the ermine right on the welcome mat! (He probably heard about Liisa's yummy Christmas cookies. --Blake) He is extremely fast - he climbed a tree in a flash. I looked him up online, and found he is a long-tailed weasel. These critters are brown in the summer, and turn white in the winter. They typically live in dens, and eat mice and rats. I don't know how he did it, but Blake was able to get a few photos... they are a tiny bit blurry because this weasel was so dang fast.

We returned from Montreal yesterday. I have to say that Cirque du Soleil was absolutely amazing. There were two women on the trapeze who were fascinating to watch. Although, they made my palms sweaty, and I think I was holding my breath for a bit. There was great comedy and live music between performances. I was disappointed to see the show end, I could have watched for countless hours, I am sure. I can't wait to attend another show!!